NO GAP Progetti
NO GAP Abroad


These buildings were erected in 2005 and form part of a compartment of seven buildings arranged in a wave form in plan which accomodates residences for various age ranges.

The two buildings E and F situated at the eastern end of the site were constructed in 2001 and contain residences for students.

The two centrally located buildings D1 and D2 are designed to accomodate elderly couples both self sufficient and non. 

The three  buildings A,B and C (Alba, Brezza and Chiara) situated at the western end of the site are intended for family residences.

Buildings A and C are twins each containing 23 flats whilst the central building B has 18 for a total of 64 apartments. All three blocks are 5 storeys in height with an underground parking area linking all three constructions.

The flats provided have 2 bedrooms but have been designed to be easily modified to provide flats with 3/1 bedrooms according to market requirements.  

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